全新NIKE耐克鞋,Nike Zoom KD12 ,US SIZE 10

2021-06-03 14:32:41   272次查看   信息编号:254   管理
地区:多伦多GTA > 士嘉宝
价格 179
供求: 转让
发布人: 个人
详情: all detail is on the label, it's 100% brand new. ( Kevin Wayne Durant 12TH EDITION / 2019--2020) --百分百全新 the size is already there,so if it doesn't fit you ,please do not come to try. the original price is $195+tax=$220.35,now i am selling for ONLY $179 you can NOT try before payment. CASH ONLY,CASH MUST BE READY WHEN WE MEET. IF NOT I WILL LEAVE .NO TIME TO WAIT FOR YOU. (请见面时候就已经准备好现金,如果需要去ATM机请先取好再联系我,我无法等待,时间就是金钱) Transaction should be finished in 99 seconds. do not come if you disagree. (交易必须在99秒内完成,如果做不到,请不要来。尺寸已经写在标签上,US10,如果你不适合,请无需过来尝试,不支持试穿。) the location is at a tim hortons parking lot, WARDEN AVE/ HUNTINGWOOD DRIVE . Let me know before you come,you should notify me at least 30 mins earlier. sometimes i am not available,make sure to call or text before you come. 请至少提前30分钟通知我,有时候我没空。不提前通知,自己到了地点联系我,我不会立刻出去。约好时间之后,等你到了地点联系我,我会在150秒内出现。

全新NIKE耐克鞋,Nike Zoom KD12 ,US SIZE 10


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用户: justsale
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